South Sister


South Sister
15.57 miles
5,400' elevation gain

I started the hike at 4:15am from Devil's Lake/South Sister Trailhead. You need to purchase a day pass as you enter; the cost was $5 at the machine and it took card only. 
There are also tent camp site you can stay at for no additional charge.

From the trailhead the signs say 6 miles to the summit but I clocked it at almost 8 miles each way. There are multiple pools from snow melt along the way if you need to filter more water.

The photo above is Lewis Glacier. From here you climb straight up on switchbacks that are covered in very loose and very powdery cinder rock and scree. It was literally two steps forward, one step back. 

Once you complete the many switchbacks, you arrive at the false summit. This glacier was just starting to melt. In late summer it becomes Teardrop Pool - Oregon's highest lake!

The views from the top are incredible! You can see Middle Sister, North Sister, Mt. Washington, Mt. Jefferson, and Mt. Hood. 

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